The amplifiers of both left and right KRK Rokit speakers short-circuit burned.
Finding the cause of the short-circuit and replacing the components of the circuit board.
The amplifiers of both left and right KRK Rokit speakers short-circuit burned.
Finding the cause of the short-circuit and replacing the components of the circuit board.
How to transfer files between 2 Windows 10 PC’s. How to send files from Computer to Wifi Laptop.
—- The Powershell Commands —
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | ? Name -like ‘OpenSSH*’
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType ‘Automatic’
—- Extra: Make a firewall rule —
Get-NetFirewallRule -Name *ssh*
New-NetFirewallRule -Name sshd -DisplayName ‘OpenSSH Server (sshd)’ -Enabled True -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -LocalPort 22
— Uninstall the OpenSSH Server—
Remove-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
Forgot or Lost your Bitcoin Password? Find it back with btcRecover
Part 1: Learn how to Install the program so you can do the tutorials.
Forgot Bitcoin Password? Find it with btcRecover – Force Brutally
Part 2: A short preview on getting back a password from bitcoin-core wallet.dat
To make the automatic loaded token file to force a 4 letter password: (1) Make a new text file (.txt) by right mouse clicking in folder (2) Name it exactly: btcrecover-tokens-auto.txt (3) Copy the following & make sure #–wallet wallet.dat is one first line.
#–wallet wallet.dat –enable-gpu ########################################################################### # This is a comment, btcrecover ignores everything after a # sign # # To automatically load a tokenlist save it as btcrecover-tokens-auto.txt # # We can add command-lines in the token by writing #– on the first line, # # this is the only exception on the # comment rule # # Just paste this file and your wallet.dat in btcrecover-master folder # # Run btcrecover without extra aguments (since they are in this file) # # so only write in command: C:\Python27\python # ########################################################################### # (space + # = #) (%S = $) (%% = %) (%^ = ^) (%s = single space) # # The + sign = only try passwords with the following token in it. # # The ^ sign = try following token only in the begin of password # # %d = 1 digit(0-9) %2d = 2 digits(00-99) %1,3d = 1,2 or 3 digits (0-999) # # ^r1^ ^r2^ ^r3^ = Relative position of token # # The $ sign at the end of a token = token is at the end of password # # A space between tokens = OR # # (%a = a-z) (%A = A-Z) (%1,3in = 1,2 or 3 digits or a-Z) # # (%y = symbol !@#$) (%P = Anything) # ########################################################################### %P %P %P %P
Download and Install the latest Bitcoin Core wallet. Open a Command Prompt window Type: “C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\bitcoin-qt.exe” -datadir=”YOUR_BACKUP_BLOCKCHAIN” or “C:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoind.exe” -datadir=”YOUR_BACKUP_BLOCKCHAIN”
Generate your own watch only non spendable private keys because it’s bitcoin pizza day!!
Generate your own watch only non spendable private keys before it’s halfing day!! Schrodinger’s cat on Bitcoin feelings!! We are checking out this big bitcoin mining facility!! Logarithmic Graph of bitcoin explained in a terrible way!! Give me one of those LED touchscreen refrigerators!
Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity is no longer a secret, the private key is out of the generator! Wall Street owns 1.7% of BTC! Global Government debt is going great! All about the Tally Stick, an old and special kind of currency. I need a Bitcoin grill