Learn how to build a website server and host a website from home. In this episode we are going to download and install Linux and learn how to use port forwarding and FTP to connect with it. Find the downloads here * bitvise.com/download-area * virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads * ubuntu.com/#download
When You Have No Internet
We decorated our living room a liitle bit, because we lost the internet connection for a week.
r/bitcoin “Magic Internet Money – Proof of Work”
Let’s check out what the redditers are saying about bitcoin this week
r/bitcoin “How to get rich with the Bitcoin, True Story!”
Learn how to HODL like a Pro
Bitcoin-Core: Import private key from old watch only address into non spendable wallet
Learn how to Import and Export the private key in the Bitcoin-Core Wallet and bitcoind.exe and bitcoin-cli.exe
Bitcoin Core: Data Directory of Old Hard Drive with Bitcoin Blockchain Configuration
Learn how to configure / restore the datadirectory of your bitcoin-core 19.0.1 wallet the cool way!!
r/bitcoin “Tis but a scratch”
The worse things seem in a crypto market, the bigger are your opportunities to profit!
r/bitcoin “I need software private key finder. Can you help me about that?”
How to get the private key generating software “True Story”