If you want to make sure you will not get hacked on al your accounts easy you should make program dependent passwords. In this video I’m teaching how to make strong passwords. It is important never to use a simple password on your bitcoin wallets, because a hacker can Brute-Force your wallet using password lists filled with the most common passwords worldwide.
Always use the same random generated Main Password, and add a program dependent part that is never the same. This will guarantee a new password every time you create a new account anywhere.
Main-Password could be something like: Fqw0hOg@d$
Program-Dependent-Password: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat
SafePassword = Main Password + Program Dependent Password
Strong password for Facebook = Fqw0hOg@d$Faceb0ok
Strong password for Twitter = Fqw0hOg@d$Inst@gr^m
Strong password for Instagram = Fqw0hOg@d$Tw!t73r
Strong password for Snapchat = Fqw0hOg@d$Snapp
Now you only have to remember Fqw0hOg@d$ and add the name of the program you are using.